About us...

Who are we? What are we?
We aim to be an all-fun and aspiring creative community, with fun and innovative activities that will keep us high above the clouds. In the long run, we also want to propagate our 'art-ness' sense not only within our borders but beyond the boundaries of our school as well.

With that as the fabric of the club's foundation, pretty much like any other club, we'd lay our list of purposes and goals:
i)  To instill greater knowledge in the field of art beyond the classroom, which we believe it isn't adequate, in our members.
ii) Build a strong community of artist in all disciplines of art, like CG-art (digital art), sculpturing, art & crafts, etc within the borders of our school.
iii) To develop and propagate the art-sense and appreciation in and beyond the community of our school.
SMK SUBANG UTAMA - "Our school"- established in 1989.

This blog was set up (in early 2011) to allow us to further spread, connect and disseminate our works,activities, internal operations & affairs of our club to a wider network of people outside of our context, which the net is know for.

Our club is supervised by passionate and dedicated Cik Vasantha, who is an art teacher in our school. We meet up at the Bilik Pendidikan Seni Visual (Art Room) at Block D, 1st floor. Timely meet-up on Saturday co-curricular day is entirely dependent on the schedule form given to students by the school.

The Club's Mascot - 

This little chameleon here is our club's potential logo/mascot (accepted by our teacher advisor, Cik Vasantha). The reason we chose this particular reptile is that it has this knack to change its skin colors, which is pretty cool, and also fits the bill as an artistic mascot too. This pretty much sums up all the details we can say about ourselves.

"Teamwork by artists is a work of art and heart."
                                                         -Art Club SMKSU

Art Club