Friday, January 6, 2012

Annual General Meeting 2012 (AGM)

We hope all artists at school would come over to check our AGM this Satuday, 7th of January! Thanks for reading this!

"Members are the club."

Art Club SMKSU

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year, 2012!~

We wish everyone and all SMKSU students a Happy New Year, bringing forth a new journey and a fresh resolution for the year 2012! :D

Art Club

Sunday, July 17, 2011

"Angry Bird : The Game" Launched off!

In a clear seemingly cloudy blue sky, it seemed that peacefulness had preached itself onto the place...

Bam! There goes the boxes and black-eyed pigs tumbling down the ground like a building crashing down to the floor.As evident speaks for itself from the photos, we had a blast with our game stall in the whole Saturday morning, dated 16th of July 2011, which is our school's major event of the year - Hari Keluarga (Family Day).

Our game stall themed "Angry Birds the Game" was a hit with passersby and kids as many of them were fond of 'Angry Birds', a popular app created by Rovio which involved colorful birds knocking down pigs with a slingshot, which familiarized into the eyes of audiences worldwide.

Before the event, we had to prepare the necessary things and tools for the game, with which we'd like to thank Kah Hui & Lih Shiun for setting up the place and coming up with a plan. Not only that, Zheng Yen & Jo Win helped moving things into our stall, even after the event was over as well.

The concept of our game literally lifted most of the characteristics from the hit app game itself, but the only slight difference was that it involves people getting themselves on the field and pull the slingshot along with the bird, and hurling it into knocking our obnoxious targets down - the pigs. Prizes were given out to participants who managed to shoot down all the pigs present in the field with 3 throws or rather 3 bird plushies.

 With a reasonable price of just RM 2 for 3 throws, myriads of onlookers jumped in to have the fun for their own of getting their hands with the game. The game stall quickly becomes packed with people lining up just to have fun playing it. With that, Hooi Ching was there for a moment to lend an extra hand in the stall.

Most of the birds and the pigs were already taking in much of the whacking and wrecking for the fun of it too much, but luckily members were there to help fix the problems quickly; like Jazmina with her sewing tools & skills to patch up the teared up bird plushies, and some volunteers who involved themselves to put up the pigs once they are hit and make the environment more jolly and entertaining (sorry if we didn't put up your names here!).

For almost the half of the day, from 8am till 2pm, our hands were obviously getting too busy, and tired. We too sold drinks of Nata-de-Coco in our game stall as well, which stemmed from Kuan Sheng & Kuan Peng's ideas & efforts. The whole game itself was a huge success for us, considerably about RM400 was collected!

In the end, we just like to thank many of our Art Club members and volunteers for their full support, ever so willing to sacrificed their time just to get their hands and feet busy in the game stall. They are the ones that make the club as a whole, a strong standing beam that supports the foundation of the club itself. Many thanks to participants and teachers as well who made it possible for this event to be carried out.

As such, it was a school charity event, so most of the stalls' income would be sent directly to the school's fund, where it will be used to improve the facilities, maintenance, etc. Our club's game stall brought in the best we could, and hopefully, it will be a great contribution to our school's progress.

We hope this event would bring up the club's name and efforts, as we strive to be the most fun and awesome community in a club that our school has ever had! Another "Angry Bird" event might show up in our heads again for another year school event again, but this time maybe on a grander-scale..

Art Club

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Angry Bird Game - Pre-production stages (June 19)

Ever felt playing Angry Birds App on your cell isn't getting enough of your excitement? In response to our school's upcoming annually-celebrated Family Day, we decided to pull off a game that takes Angry Birds Lovers on a whole new level of playing it. Stemming from an inspiration of a real life 'Angry Bird' game from Taylor's, this game mechanics and how it's played would work the same way of how you play the game, basically without the slingshot and the strangely-set physics environment of the game.(Of course,without the 'button clicking reaction' as well)

It was a very exciting and as well as a promising venture, as we hope to make most out of this in line of promoting our club in the school. We aim to make this event engaging and fun for our members involved and participating students as well. Before we go on, the Art Club would like to thank Pn.Vasantha(teacher advisor) for her jovial support, as well as Pn.Mawati for giving us the green light to have a go on this game.

On a usual Saturday dated 19th of June , we had a small gathering at a class to kick start the development of this game. On a side note, we'd like to pay in gratitude to Lih Shiun, Sindu, Jazmina, Zach and Eric for showing up and aiding in the production. Initially, we layered old cardboard boxes with tissues and glue so that it would harden and easy to paint over. 

     A dove was used as temporary replacement of the pigs or rather the target. (We haven't gotten them yet)
                     These are the few examples of how a stage might look like (still in development)

                                                                           Level '1'

                                                                            Level '3'

Although it was a pretty messy work, the real emphasis behind this production was having fun and being creative with our work. Even after school hours, Eric went into planning the game mechanics and stages in a neighborhood court not far from our school with help from Lih Shiun & Zach. 

For now, we won't go into details of how it will be played and its stages but expect to hear more from us on this event. So, stay tuned!

Art Club

Saturday, May 21, 2011

For the teachers, we'll draw our hearts out!

On two consecutive days, 20th and 21st of May, we managed to carry out our 'Teacher's Day 2011' project with the goal of showing our thankfulness and gratefulness to all our fellow teachers in school.

    Without doubt, even though with only a few members and volunteers involved, they are willing to put aside their time for their wholeheartedly efforts in this project. Thank you to everybody who was involved in this project, for we couldn't have came up with so many great ideas without you! We haven't acknowledged anybody's name but in the end, we all know we did it together, and that's a good thing.

    We hope that from this project, we will show our ways of thankfulness through the truest intent of our passion and interest in arts to our teachers.

Snapshots from the project -
...Good work! Keep on going!
 Who's that sleepyhead?

 Examples of our work....

Smile~  :D

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

ARTCLUB Project A04: Teacher's Day 2011

When it's time to say goodbye to school life, the first thing you'll realize is that the teachers would be one of those people you'll miss back there.

So, would it be too late by then to say at least a thank you, or goodbye? Heck....why not?

With our upcoming project, simply titled 'Teacher's Day 2011', will shower all our hearts & appreciation towards our sweat & tears of our dearest teachers in school - today! And the best part is....through ARTS! Yes, we'll make sure from the every tiniest littlest spot to the RIDICULOUSLY HUMONGOUS details are made by our artistic minds!...!

If you're wondering about the day and time, don't worry, we won't forget to list that down too! It would be on this week's Friday, right after the morning session bell (12.30pm), at the art club notice board. We'll head to the Bilik Seni after we gather there. If taking some tools of your trade along with you is necessary, we encourage it! The more 'art' the better : )

So, come & spread the love of  'ART'!

Art Club