Saturday, May 21, 2011

For the teachers, we'll draw our hearts out!

On two consecutive days, 20th and 21st of May, we managed to carry out our 'Teacher's Day 2011' project with the goal of showing our thankfulness and gratefulness to all our fellow teachers in school.

    Without doubt, even though with only a few members and volunteers involved, they are willing to put aside their time for their wholeheartedly efforts in this project. Thank you to everybody who was involved in this project, for we couldn't have came up with so many great ideas without you! We haven't acknowledged anybody's name but in the end, we all know we did it together, and that's a good thing.

    We hope that from this project, we will show our ways of thankfulness through the truest intent of our passion and interest in arts to our teachers.

Snapshots from the project -
...Good work! Keep on going!
 Who's that sleepyhead?

 Examples of our work....

Smile~  :D

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