Saturday, May 21, 2011

For the teachers, we'll draw our hearts out!

On two consecutive days, 20th and 21st of May, we managed to carry out our 'Teacher's Day 2011' project with the goal of showing our thankfulness and gratefulness to all our fellow teachers in school.

    Without doubt, even though with only a few members and volunteers involved, they are willing to put aside their time for their wholeheartedly efforts in this project. Thank you to everybody who was involved in this project, for we couldn't have came up with so many great ideas without you! We haven't acknowledged anybody's name but in the end, we all know we did it together, and that's a good thing.

    We hope that from this project, we will show our ways of thankfulness through the truest intent of our passion and interest in arts to our teachers.

Snapshots from the project -
...Good work! Keep on going!
 Who's that sleepyhead?

 Examples of our work....

Smile~  :D

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

ARTCLUB Project A04: Teacher's Day 2011

When it's time to say goodbye to school life, the first thing you'll realize is that the teachers would be one of those people you'll miss back there.

So, would it be too late by then to say at least a thank you, or goodbye? Heck....why not?

With our upcoming project, simply titled 'Teacher's Day 2011', will shower all our hearts & appreciation towards our sweat & tears of our dearest teachers in school - today! And the best part is....through ARTS! Yes, we'll make sure from the every tiniest littlest spot to the RIDICULOUSLY HUMONGOUS details are made by our artistic minds!...!

If you're wondering about the day and time, don't worry, we won't forget to list that down too! It would be on this week's Friday, right after the morning session bell (12.30pm), at the art club notice board. We'll head to the Bilik Seni after we gather there. If taking some tools of your trade along with you is necessary, we encourage it! The more 'art' the better : )

So, come & spread the love of  'ART'!

Art Club

Saturday, May 14, 2011

It's time to unleash your inner creativity! ~ + 3+ ~

Well, have you ever thought it is impossible of publishing & showing your own masterpiece of art on a more open level within the network of our school so that everyone could see and awed by it?

Think again because we'll let you have your own space that showcases your talent in visual art! The Art Club is extending our service to bring up our name and propagate our members' values & talents.  We are now initiating this event to promote the value and essence of art sense and its beauty in our school so that everyone sees it. And every artist in this school, regardless of art forms, get to show off their talents!

And if you're wondering, we'll post your artwork or photograph of your craft (name+class) on our blog and the notice board(as well) in school, so check it out often! For the whole year, we'll eventually compile your submitted artworks to be displayed in our final event(if possible)! So stay updated about it in the meantime!


So get your pencils sharpened, pens ready and whatever assets you have because here's how:

#1 Submit your piece to either Jazmina (2 Pi - afternoon session ) or Lih Shiun (5 Beta - morning session) Or email us at: if you're too shy to send in personally. =)

#2 Make sure you signed or watermarked your entries, and put in your name, class and a title so that we can recognize your great piece of work!

#3 Be sure that your medium has to be in A4 size. No multiple entries allowed within a month.

#4 You can use any mediums for your art, be it hand-drawn sketch, oil-painted, crayon coloured, cut and paste, water colour and whatever possible style you could think of putting into it and even photographs of your craft works too! As long as it's a masterpiece of your own art. No plagiarising and cheating!

Art Club

Thursday, May 5, 2011